Premium moments
We utilize premium materials to match practical with perfection while adding a splash of awe for life.
EDC is about everyday use. We build products to stand up to that challenge.
Life is about grabbing moments where you can find them whether in solitude or friends. We love to see customers use our creations. We enjoy the challenge of making a customer happy.
Frank's father started a machine shop 40 years ago. Frank has taken over and uses his training to fuel his passion for EDC and shooting competitions to create practical artwork that he likes to use.
A project starts it
Galen contacted Frank about a special project for a couple friends for a gift. Galen's wife thought that the nubbers should have some protection when the cigars walked out to the fire pit. The "chamber pot" was born and a big success. Galen enjoyed working with frank and started to ask about other materials.
and the rest...
Well, Galen found some micarta rounds that were from a dock somewhere and they started with that supply. They have tried some rag micarta balls from other countries and look for and acquire good material whenever they can find it! This is just the beginning.